As you can hopefully imagine, there is a whole plethora of ‘rules’ graphic designers need to be aware of. From colour connotations to thinking about where the readers eye goes when looking at a magazine or brochure.
Leading the eye – simple tricks to make the eye do what you want it to.
So, for instance, if you’re designing a cover of a magazine or brochure you’ll want people to turn the page and continue reading (image facing to the right). But, with a press ad you’ll want people to stop and stay on your page (Image facing to the left). Something subtle I know, but gives you an example of one of the many things graphic designers should be aware of when designing.
View more Graphic Design tips:
Graphic Design – So what is it?
File Types – Know the difference between jpg and eps and when to use them.
Artwork Basics – RGB vs CMYK, bleed and trims.
Typography – The forgotten art? Kerning and quotations
Magazine Design Basics – Design tips for producing a magazine, leaflet or brochure.
The Eyes Have It – Leading the eye in graphic design